Customer Testimonials

  • I have worked with Shirley since 2001. Our first introduction was when she took part in a training and employment scheme...I have no hesitation in recommending her as an artist and creative professional, as her passion and drive make an ideal partner.


    Hill Partnerships LTD

  • I bought 'Millennium' from Shirley simply on the basis that I fell in love with it!Having seen the picture in the gallery I just fell for it, however it was a lot of money... I went away and could not stop thinking about the picture. After a couple of weeks I made the decision to return to the gallery and if the picture was still there then it was meant to be mine! Needless to say it was still there and as they say the rest is history. I bought the picture about six years ago and still find myself gazing at it fondly, it's fair to say I still get a lot of enjoyment out of my painting.


    Mandy McLean Managing Partner ISMdirect Ltd

  • Very many thanks for Eric - both the sculpture and the card are really great! What a talented trainee you had, and well done for promoting her talents in this way. I feel very honoured to be included. Best wishes.


    Judith Harrison Project Director, The Housing Forum Constructing Excellence

  • Many thanks for the Christmas Gift. A nice piece - much appreciated. We'll keep Shirley Kaci's name on file!

    Merry Christmas to you.


    John Miles Corporate Services Board
